About Us


Brahmarshi Samaj Bangalore (BSB) was established with sole objective to integrate and to associate with members of Bhumihar Brahmin Samaj also popularly known as Bhavan , traditionally a land owner   from  Bihar , Jharkhand , Uttar Pradesh , Madhya Pradesh & in some part of Nepal  . It is registered under Karnataka Society Act, 1960 having Registration No. SOR/RJR/S-262/2012-13. Brahmarshi Samaj Bangalore (BSB) strives to carry forward the rich cultural legacy, providing a platform to connect with member’s family, enjoy and feel the nostalgia of bond and togetherness. We have been striving for the upliftment of the community by scholarship schemes, free education to the deserving students, relief measure during the natural calamities, Honoring the martyrs & have created the platform for providing job opportunities and suitable alliance for marriage